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Modern architecture style

Modern architecture is a very simple, minimal and uncomplicated style that has very few details. A cinema that is made in a modern style also generally has the least amount of decorations, which in combination with special and appropriate lighting creates a beautiful atmosphere and a unique cinematic feeling for people. By choosing a modern cinema, the Cinemaroom team will design the space in such a way that all attention is directed to the screen and create an amazing experience for you.

Simplicity in design

First feature

Architectural design in this style has the least complexity and the use of broken lines is one of the features of this design.

Avoiding decorations

Second feature

The use of various decorations in this style is very limited and they are usually implemented as simple connections.

Modern material

Third feature

The use of modern materials such as wood, prefabricated panels, etc. in a modern way with no decorations is common in this style.

Modern lighting

Fourth feature

Soft and exciting lighting to create stunning effects in the space along with lighting specific to different areas of the cinema hall is used to create an attractive visual experience for the audience.

Modern design projects

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